Wednesday, December 30, 2015


...... too often, organisations have knowledgeable, well-educated, experienced and skillful people, but their attitude is negative.

...... the true value of leaders lie in their ability to inculcate a positive attitude in their staff and this can be the firm's key competitive edge in the marketplace.

"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative".   - W. Clement Stone.

Leaders can take specific strategies to get people develope a positive attitude towards work.

Source - Dr. Victor S. L. Tan / NST.

Thursday, December 24, 2015


80 PERCENT OF THE PEOPLE YOU DEAL with will not be a problem. The other 20 percent may take up a lot of your time, energy and effort.

A few fundamentals that need to be put into place ;

1.   People are different, with different values, needs, standards and motivation.
2.   People whom we see as difficult also see us as difficult.
3.   Managing difficult people requires us to find an appropriate behavioral approach,
      which will build the trust and confidence of that particular person.

Managing difficult people successfully requires a good understanding of people, lots of empathy, excellent communication skills and a willingness to curb our own ego.

Here is a four - step approach,

1.   Assess the situation.
2.   Know what you are and how you are seen by others.
      (Understanding yourself is the first step to understanding others)
3.   Do not wish for the other person to be different and do not expect him to be like you.
4.   Get communication going with him and determine what you need to do in order to gain his trust.

Source :  Quest for Excellence / K. C. See / Quest Group

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Control Your Destiny

Jack Welch of General Electric advocated five simple principles in which organisations could control their 'destiny'. They were as follows ;

# Face reality as it is,not as it was or as you wish it were.

# Be candid with everyone.

# Don't manage, lead.

# Change before you have to.

# If you don't have a competitive advantage, don't compete.

...... How many of us have improved our skills and competencies to take into account the changing work environment?  How many of us have changed our mindsets to take into account the different values and work ethics that new employees bring to the workplace? How many of us have learnt new skills that continue to make us relevant at the workplace?

Adhere to the following three simple principles ;

a. Indulge in less rhetoric and more action in terms of best practices.

b. Surround yourself with good managers / people who are able to tell you 'bad news'.

 c. Accept and encourage contradiction at all times.

Organisations that are willing to face reality as it is, good or bad, and take action to change will always be in charge of their destiny. 

Source : Control Your Destiny / Heera Singh / NST

Sunday, September 13, 2015


1.   Kawal nafsu
2.   Hidup dengan kesederhanaan
3.   Belanja ikut belanjawan
4.   Beri dahulu, baru terima
5.   Gunakan pinjaman secara bijak
6.   Simpan duit secara berterusan

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


1 - "It is Possible" Attitude
2 - "I am Responsible" Attitude
3 - "Taking Initiative" Attitude
4 - "Do Whatever It Takes" Attitude
5 - "The Solution - Driven" Attitude

Source - Dr. Victor S. L. Tan / NST

Sunday, August 2, 2015

My dream .......

Positive Mind

A positive mind is very important and valuable for the following results ;

  • A positive mind is willing to adapt and capitalise on opportunities arising from change
  • A positive mind is committed to do whatever it takes to achieve the goals, no excuses, just result
  • A positive mind is resourceful and will find creative ways to seek out solutions

Source :  NST Digital / Dr. Victor S. L. Tan

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Duly Noted : ACTION !!!

"Nothing happens in this world until YOU take action. All power is from within and therefore under our control. You must step up and take action for anything in order to change"

- T Shea Ellison

"What we think or what we know or what we believe is, in the end of little consequence. The only consequence is WHAT WE DO".

- John Ruskin

Source  : Magnet Kekayaan & Kejayaan / Azizan Osman / AOPSB

How to answer a question?

I've been asked a question,
and I don't know the answer.
How can I avoid looking dumb?

BUY TIME. Restate the question. That gives you that extra moment to pull your thoughts together and come up with an answer.

ASK A QUESTION ABOUT THE SENSE OF THE QUESTION. Ask your questioner to rephrase.

DON'T ANSWER A QUESTION YOU CAN'T ANSWER WELL. An ill-conceived answer is worse than no answer.

IF YOU DON'T KNOW, ADMIT IT. Then set a time and date by which you will have the answer.

DELEGATE THE QUESTION. If someone is present who you think will have the information, pass the question to him.


Source :  Maximize Your Presentation Skills / Ellen A. Kaye / Golden Books

Friday, April 24, 2015

How to Develop Greater Self-Confidence

  1. Take some time for your own personal self-development
  2. Courage counts. Jump in!
  3. Take an acting class, acting for nonactors, or improvisation
  4. Create positive rituals in your life, for you alone and with family and friends
  5. Integrate gratitude and celebration into your daily life
  6. Think positively
  7. Find a topic interesting to you and relevant to others. Learn it well.
  8. Contact a trusted friend before and after doing a challenging task
  9. Start investing in yourself immediately
  10. Read
  11. Focus on the positive

Source  - Maximize Your Presentation Skills / Ellen A. Kaye


Baseline operating parameters of the covered lagoon digester ;
  1. LAGOON DIGESTER VOLUME - Based on the length, width and depth of the lagoon as measured in meters
  2. INFLUENT FLOWRATE - Rate of the influent entering the lagoon as measured in liters
  3. HYDRAULIC RETENTION TIME - Volume of the lagoon divided by the daily influent flow as measured in days
  4. AVERAGE BIOGAS PRODUCTION - Average production of biogas as measured in cubic meters per day
  5. METHANE CONCENTRATION - Biogas concentration as measured in percent by volume
  6. LAGOON DIGESTER TEMPERATURE - Average temperature of the lagoon contents as measured in degrees C
  7. INFLUENT COD CONCENTRATION - Chemical Oxygen Demand as measured in milligrams per liter
  8. EFFLUENT COD CONCENTRATION - Chemical Oxygen Demand as measured in milligrams per liter
  9. COD REDUCTION - Reduction in COD from influent to effluent as measured in percent
  10. TOTAL AND VOLATILE SOLIDS PERCENTAGE - Percent of dry solids in the influent and percent of organic solids in the dry solids

Source - Cal Poly Covered Lagoon Digester / California USA