Monday, July 25, 2011

Syukuri Nikmat Ujian | + discover the beauty of islam

Syukuri Nikmat Ujian | + discover the beauty of islam

How to Budget?

Goals - Needs - Wants

Why Should I Have One?
How Do I Start a Budget?
How Do I Decide Where to Spend My Money?
How Do I Stick to My Budget?
When Should I Change My Budget?

The following questions may help you decide what to do ;
- Which spending can't be cut?
- What is the minimum I need to live on?
- Which spending is Needs and which is Wants?
- What would happen if I delayed some of my spending?
- Can I buy cheaper substitutes?

Here are some suggestions that can help you stick to your budget ;
- Pay necessary bills first. If possible, try to stretch your bills out evenly over the month so they are not all due on the same day.
- Save some money every month, no matter how small. You just want to form that habit.
- Make a list before you go shopping. When you shop, remember the difference between needs and wants.
- Plan ahead and buy item on sale. Check out discount stores and garage sales. Share reusable items with family and friends.
- Stay away from stores or places where you waste money!.
- Learn ways from family and friends to save money and follow a plan.
- Keep a record of where you spend money and how much money is spent. Make it simple and easy to do.
- Compare this record to your written money plan so you can see if you are following your spending decisions.

Source - NST.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Semua pihak kena ikhlas untuk memastikan perpaduan Jemaah Islam. Jangan hanya mengutamakan kepentingan bangsa lebih dari agama dalam berpolitik. Jangan menggunakan agama untuk kepentingan politik. Sama-samalah kita fikirkan.

@ Zainal Zakariah / 24 Julai 2011.

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Aksi-aksi Nur Syafiqah Zainal

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Rahsia Orang Berjaya | + discover the beauty of islam

Rahsia Orang Berjaya | + discover the beauty of islam


"I propose through this article and the ones which will follow to show that the doctrine of Islam concerning the Deity and the last great messenger of Allah is perfectly true...I love Christ, Moses and Abraham, I do Muhammad and all other holy prophets of God."

"Perihal tulisan saya ini, saya ingin menunjukkan, ajaran Islam yang berkaitan aspek-aspek ketuhanan dan Rasul akhir zaman adalah benar...Saya kasihkan Nabi Isa, Nabi Musa dan Nabi Ibrahim sebagaimana saya mengasihi Nabi Muhamad dan semua rasul-rasul yang lain."

- Bekas Paderi Roman Catholic, Bekas Reverend David Benjamin Keldani.

Sumber - Bukti-Bukti Sains & Sejarah Kerasulan Muhammad / Dr. Danial Zainal Abidin / PTS.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Jika anda ada harta dan tiada ilmu, anda ditipu.
Jika anda tiada harta dan tiada ilmu, anda dikeji.
Jika anda ada ilmu tetapi tiada harta, anda dipuji.
Jika anda ada ilmu dan ada harta, anda disanjungi.

Sumber - Buat Duit Dengan Rumah / Shamsuddin Abdul Kadir / PTS.


Control, be it internal, operational, financial, accounting, administration or managerial, is important for eight (8) basic objectives.

  1. To ensure the reliability and integrity of information.
  2. To ensure assurance or comfort of compliance with policies, plans, procedures, laws and regulations.
  3. For safeguarding of assets and resources.
  4. Producing economy, efficient and effectiveness of operations.
  5. Maximising the usage of resources (be it financial, investment, assets and resources).
  6. Accomplishment of organisation objectives, mission and goals, programmes and business.
  7. Management accountability.
  8. For corporate governancing.

Source - Josef Eby Ruin / NST.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


  • sentiasa di sisi di saat mereka mengulangkaji pelajaran.
  • sentiasa menjaga dan mengambil berat tentang pemakanan dan kesihatan mereka.
  • jangan memaksa anak-anak belajar mengikut cara anda.
  • sekiranya kebetulan anak rakan anda turut mengambil peperiksaan yang sama, apa salahnya anda saling bertukar soalan untuk anak-anak anda.
  • untuk menghilangkan kebosanan dan stress, tak ada salahnya kalau anda membawa anak ke pusat riadah.
  • ajak anak-anak anda bersolat berjemaah bersama-sama.
  • pastikan anak anda tahu bahawa anda memang menaruh harapan padanya.
AMBIL CUTI - untuk memberi sokongan.

TUGAS BAPA - ayah juga harus memainkan peranan.

TAWARKAN GANJARAN - untuk menyuntik semangat anak-anak untuk berjaya.

Sumber - MIDI.


  • Empathize
  • Pinpoint problem
  • Moving forward
  • Anticipate
  • Ask question
  • Agree with something
  • Analyze


  • stress isn't always bad.
  • in small doses, it can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best.
  • when you are constantly running in emergency mode, your mind and body pay the price.
  • stress is known as a silent killer.
  • can seriously impact a person's health and well being in left unchecked.
  • stress is a manageable disease.
  • it starts from awareness and taking responsibility.
  • the sources of stress can be our thought processes, our inability to cope with fear and anger which increases our adrenaline level.
  • the key to overcoming stress starts with education and awareness.
  • stress symptoms - stomach upset, gastritis, eat a lot, do not eat, get rashes etc.
  • stress leads of lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and strokes.
  • learn how to manage and cope with challenges.
  • our productivity, creativity and capacity to act is greatly diminished if we are constantly living in stress situation.
  • it is up to the individual to manage his own stress.
  • seek assistance if necessary.
  • go back to yourself and resolve your own conflict as much as you can.

Source - Interview the Experts / NST.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Faedah Senaman Untuk Pesakit Diabetes

  • Meningkatkan kadar metabolisma tubuh.
  • Membakar kalori dan membantu mencapai berat badan unggul.
  • Meningkatkan keberkesanan insulin.
  • Meningkatkan peredaran darah.
  • Meningkatkan kolesterol baik (HDL) dalam darah.
  • Menguatkan jantung.
  • Meningkatkan daya tahan dan kekuatan otot.
  • Menguatkan tulang dan mencegah osteoporosis.
  • Mengawal tekanan darah dan mengurangkan risiko strok.
  • Membantu mengurangkan tekanan (stress).
### Senaman seperti berjalan selama 2 1/2 jam dalam tempoh seminggu boleh mengurangkan perkembangan diabetes sebanyak 40% - 60%.

Sumber - MIDI.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ultimate Tips For Better Life

a). Take 10 - 30 minutes walk every day and while you walk, smile. It is the ultimate anti-depressant.
b). Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
c). When you wake up in the morning, pray to ask God's guidance for your purpose today.
d). Eat more foods that grow on tress and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
e). Drink green tea and plenty of water.