Wednesday, January 27, 2010

PALM OIL : The Green Answer

Palm oil is the only product able to sustainably and efficiently meet a large portion of the world's increasing demand for oil crop-based consumer goods, foodstuffs and biofuel.

  • Demand for oils and fats set to increase by 15.5% to 184.4 million metric tonnes by 2020.
  • Only 20% of Malaysia's land area is used for agriculture, of which 75% is taken up by oil palms. Of the remaining land area, 20% is idle land or urban development, leaving forested area at close to 60% of the total.
  • Oil palm gives the highest yield of oil compared to other oil crops.
Comparison of Oil Yield (t/ha) -
  • Oil Palm - 4.12 t/ha (Palm oil 3.68 t/ha + Palm kernel oil - 0.44 t/ha)
  • Soyabean - 0.36 t/ha
  • Sunflower - 0.42 t/ha
  • Rapeseed - 0.49 t/ha
Source - MPOC

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